product stewardship supporting greener building round

Helping Our Customers Reach their Carbon Goals

The magic of our unique, sustainability-driven business model happens when we help customers meet their own sustainability needs.

Products such as the revolutionary RebarZero™, Merchant Zero™ and others in our line of net-zero products do just that. By incorporating sustainability principles into our business strategy and practices, we create financial and operational benefits that reduce both emissions and risks for end users.

We’re also an active partner, working with our customers on services and solutions that address their sustainability needs and help them reach their goals. We know our customers are seeking more guidance and support with sustainability matters, and we provide both.

Our commitment to reducing carbon emissions allows us to offer products that exceed customers’ evolving needs. Manufacturing, transporting, installing, maintaining and disposing of building materials all contribute to embodied carbon and energy use—and the resulting GHG emissions. This is why we strive to understand and quantify embodied carbon across the lifecycle of all our products.

By quantifying GHG savings, we can create even more products that contribute to a lower carbon infrastructure while meeting goals such as those outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement. We publish Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in the U.S. and E.U. that disclose our products’ environmental performance or potential impacts on the environment. We update these EPDs on a 5-year cycle, in accordance with ISO 21930, ISO 14025, ISO 14040, ISO 14044 and EN 15804+A2:2019 standards, as applicable, and they are verified by a third party. EPDs are frequently required for public and private projects and are published for both our steel and geogrid products.

The embodied GHG emissions of our steel products are lower than the U.S. steel manufacturing average, according to the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. These and other factors help us contribute to LEED and other green building projects.

In our Tensar Division, we’re providing reliable and proven solutions that enable more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable solutions for infrastructure, including challenging civil construction projects and applications. Our Tensar+ software, a free cloud-based program, provides design modules for applications serviced by Tensar products and solutions. Beyond showing cost and time savings for each project, some modules show reductions in embodied carbon, water usage, fuel usage and more for our engineered solutions.

Throughout these processes and innovations, providing a range of products and services to help our customers meet their sustainability needs remains our goal.

CMC’s products annually contribute to positive ratings for

hundreds of LEED® eligible projects.